Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Orleans

I was born in New Orleans and lived there until I was about 7 years old. Since then, I've lived in four other cities and multiple other houses. Really, Atlanta feels like home.

But New Orleans still seems magical. My dad lives about an hour outside the city now and we make the trip to see him once a year, usually right after Christmas.

When I go to heaven, I really hope it looks like Jackson Square. I can't explain the peace I feel sitting in the grassy square, staring at St. Louis Cathedral.

The nativity at St. Louis. The churchyard is actually behind the church and backs up to Royal St.

Statue honoring Andrew Jackson.

St. Louis Cathedral

 I have several NOLA traditions. I get my palm read in the shadow of the Cathedral. We visit the Abita Brewery. I also collect local artwork of Jackson Square and St. Louis.

If you've never been, Jackson Square is surrounded by an iron wrought fence. Local artists hang their art during daylight hours for tourists. I have two paintings and a line drawing. I also have an AP photograph from 2008 when it snowed in New Orleans.

I wasn't really planning on buying a new painting this time, but when I saw this, how could I resist?


The blue the artist used is so striking and whimsical. After some bartering at the artist's insistence, Steve and I purchased this gorgeous painting of St. Louis at dusk. We're going to hang it on our third floor landing so I can see it as I climb the stair at night. 


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